I closed the final chapter on the book titled "High School" on May 26th. It, for the longest time, was something that I fantasized about, dream about, anticipated… but as those final moments approached, the less excited I became about the event.
I had built it up in my head so much that towards the end, I was afraid that it would fail to meet my expectations… and for the most part it did.
It was not as glorious or as glamourous as I thought it would be. It was cold, long, and every speech given made me cringe for they were poorly delivered.
But alas, the deed is finally done.
As I my name was called, and I walked across the stage to receive an empty diploma holder, all I could think about was "THANK GOD."
I was happy to be done with high school. I was one of the only people who didn't and never will shed a tear over the conclusion of that mediocre education we were given throughout those four years.
It's not that I had a miserable high school experience. Quite the contrary, I had a great one. In those four years I managed to have 3 different sets of great friends, each slowly meliorating my social status. So by junior and senior year, I was popular-popular. (I was always popular, but not to the perfect extent).
It's not my friends were horrible, but it's more like I was never really comfortable with them. It wasn't like they didn't like me either, they did, it's just that I didn't really like them.
I already have my best and good friends, I don't need other ones.
In August, I will be going off to college (LMU), and I could not be any more excited or nervous or scared. I'm glad that I will be in a completely different environment with completely different people. I'm anxious to see how many people will actually like me or hate me or whatever. But whatever happens, I hope it doesn't stop me from getting what I want out of life or from achieving my dream.
To conclude this rant of mine, I will just say that I'm anxious for the future, but with a sturdy past as my base, and a well-developing present in the making, I think my future is going to look pretty good. But hell, what do I know? I'm not a gypsy, or a psychic, or a wizard, so I could be completely wrong. But that doesn't change the fact that I am excited to find out.
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