Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Warped Tour 2010: Party On

(June 26 2010. Shoreline Amp., Mountain View, CA)

I've sort have become an ol' faithful to, what in my opinion is one of the "events of the summer," Vans Warped Tour. Sounds cheesey, I know.

I guess it's a teenage thing. I started going when I was 14 years old, and every year I have a blast.

The atmosphere is always exhilerating. A comibination of the sultry sun beating down on you, the aroma of sweaty people and guys who forgot to wear deodorant, musicians playing their hearts out, people smoking weed right next to you, and watching people resurface from a hardcore mosh with blood dripping from their mouths, is really fucking nice.

I thrive off of the crowd, each and every year. I really get into the shows. Quite literally might I add.

I am 5feet tall, so I am pretty short, and in those crowds, I might as well be surrounded by angry sweaty giants. But it's okay. Sure, when the show gets really intense and hot, I might not be able to breathe, but its all worth it. Because the ambiance is like no other.
It's enough to make me headbang and elbow people, and bust a move or someone's leg.
I'm pretty sure that if anyone saw me, they would laugh for hours because I look ridiculous. Not only because I look like I don't belong in that crowd, or because of my size, or even because I look like a raging maniac, but because I look like I am genuinely having a good time and relaxed at the same time... or maybe all of those things I just wrote. I'm not sure. Take your pick.

I must say though, the line ups are becoming worse and worse. But, that's what makes the shows so much better.
It gives you the opportunity to do whatever you want; to make it vivacious, by you yourself becoming audacious enough to get rowdy, and make the most of the show.

I like not knowing what band I'm watching, or the songs they're playing. It make my experience that much more virginal? I'm not sure of that either. But in my opinion, it's best to go alone. It's just one of those things that, even though you've done it before, it feels so new and different and better on your own.

And remember:
Wear waterproof makeup!
Bring a hairbrush!
Deordorant!! (especially if you're a boy!)
Hand Sanitizer!!
and you'll sure be in for a good and well prepared time.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Summer Calling

(^^Basically what I saw everyday for the first week of my summer vacation.)

Finally. It's here. the season the majority of the world looks forward to with the same loyal tenacious anticipation: SUMMER.

Most of us look forward to this season coming around because it means the endeavor is over, in relation to school, of course.

It means swimming day and night.
Laying out by the pool all day, in hopes of achieving that perfect tan.
Enjoying the best fruits of the year... The list goes on and on.

Summer this year to me means the last summer I have with half of my best friends before they all go off to college.
It means being able to become closer to the people and friends that I already have.
Summer means going to shows every chance I get. Sleeping for twelve glorious hours a night. Running for one hour. Swimming for one hour. And finally bike-riding for another hour. Life doesn't get any better than that.

I believe that summer has within itself a magical potion that can cure anyone and anything. It soothes the soul. It relaxes every part of one's inner being, and makes everything one-thousand times more appealing than it would any other time of the year.

I hope to God that this summer works it's mysterious magic on me once again, and blesses me with a perfect complexion, that self determination I need, a brighter and optimstic outlook on life, more time with friends, and the thing I hope fore most of all (which I shouldn't hope for at all_: the magic that will heal my heart, by either giving me the closure I deserve, or the chance I always wanted but was too scared to take.

I hope every one's summer is everything they wanted and more. :)

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Probably one of the best movies I've ever seen.
I felt so connected to the lead role, and had no idea why, or even a reason as to why.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Half-Baked Summer What?

(As you can probably tell, I am incredibily blown in that picture. We all are actually. *Correction: I'm actually extremely cross-faded).

In the beginning of the month, May 6/7th to be exact, I had my AP English Lit and US History exams. So as you can imagine, I was STRESSED OUT!
Well in my english lit class, I am really great friends with four lovely ladies. Well the five of us had planned for that following Saturday to be BOMB, and that we were going to get trashed to celebrate our newfound freedom.

Long story short- that night was awesome. Because I was cross-faded beyond belief and I was around people I love a great amount.

That was my first taste of summer. And I liked it.

Tomorrow is my last day of high school as a junior. And I am excited as fuck.

After tomorrow I can do whatever the hell I want. And what better way to initate summer than by going to Hawaii with all of your friends?

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Spring Br-What?

(I felt the picture was appropriate due to the fact that is a butterfly gummy in my hand and it is spring.)
The time has come.
My favorite season of the year- Spring.
The time of perfect weather (not too hot, not too cold) has finally arrived.
And boy, am I glad. Well. Almost.

For most people, spring this year is just another season. Not anything new. Not anything planned.
It's a little more different and complex for me, and other people of course.

First off: School.
Spring this year is bringing all sorts of new and impossible obstacles to the table.
My spring break is practically tarnished because of homework and stupid projects. (The culprits: AP English, AP History.)
I have to take advantage of all of my spare time and fill it up with studying because...
First week of May, I take my AP tests. AKA: the most nerve wrecking and basically life-defining week of my life.
And I have to take my second SAT. And of course that will not be anything fun nor exciting.

(Those are just the things academically related too...)

There is also Prom I have to semi-worry about.
I say semi, because my "perfect prom" is out of the question now. (I was hoping to have the perfect date this year since last year went terribly wrong, but then again, I never get what I want.)
PIECE OF ADVICE: Never feel sorry for ANYONE! Always be honest and straight up!
Any who.
(I got my prom shoes!)
I have get a dress still, and I am not looking forward to that since, well, I feel I am morbidly obese.
So I am pressuring myself to lose weight. A LOT of weight.
All sounds fun right?

The only thing I am looking forward to this spring is:
And cleaning my room.

I am jealous of the fact that many, many other people will be enjoying their spring break in having fun. Unlike me.
Hope everyone enjoys the season!!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Patron Saint of Booze and Parties

Way, way back in the day, St. Patrick's day was a day simply celebrated by Catholics. Well... Not so much anymore.

Good ol' St. Patrick was initially from Roman Britain in the fifth century and was pretty wealthy. But unfortunately the poor guy was kidnapped by Irish raiders and taken captive to Ireland as a slave. According to him, he was told by God in a dream to flee from captivity to the coast, where he would board a ship and return to Britain. Upon returning, he quickly joined the Church in Auxerre in Gaul and studied to be a priest.

Patrick was called back to Ireland again some time later. He had quite the imagination. He explained the Holy Trinity by using the shamrock to inform the Irish people about The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit.

St. Patrick actually wore BLUE. But the color green was inspired by the shamrocks growing about.

And some how Lent triggered for there to be alcohol be involved... and the rest is history.

Nowadays groups of people cannot wait for St. Patty's Day to come along. Because after all what other holiday is one supposed to intentionally get wasted, and hook up with slutty girls or be the slutty girl? None. Besides, you get green beer!!
Really cool, right? (Yes, I am being sarcastic.)

Seriously, the holiday is completely pointless. Drinking and slutting it up, although I know sounds appealing to 99% of the population, but that's what makes it so sad and pathetic.
I am not all too sure if people are that desperate, or have a lot of weird voids to fill, but for them to WANT to get wasted and be a nasty, is really sad to see.
But that's just me.

I didn't wear green today. I refuse to conform to a social holiday that I do not even celebrate or believe in.

Guess I quit Thanksgiving too.... and the Fourth of July....

Sunday, January 24, 2010

The Ballad of... St. Valentine?


Valentine's Day, is yet another day made national to give people a "reason" to consume.
(Many people don't really see it that way though).

Not much information is known about the real Saint Valentine. He was described to be: priest in Rome, a bishop of Interama, a martyr in the Roman province of Africa.
It's rather unclear how and why, St. Valentine has his own holiday. It's not even concrete fact if whether or not St. Valentine is in fact, the patron saint of lovers!

Either way, Valentine's Day is notoriously known for being the day of all of those who are in love, or have a significant other. It is a religious holiday for lovers. I suppose, they use that day to do something special for the person that they care about. Or as a good reason to have sex.
But whatever their motive they do not refrain from buying: chocolates, teddybears, cards, flowers, and taking their loved one out to dinner. Oh! And buying condoms, handcuffs, and lubricant.
Nothing says "I love you," more than having crazy sex... Right? Sure.

I on the other hand, have a nonexistent love life, and I am on the oppisite side of the spectrum when it comes to this holiday. And I am okay with that. For the most part anyway.
I honestly believe that I am much too young to understand what love really is. And I think dating in high school (particularly- my high school), would just be a waste of my time (being that 88% of the guys at my high school are: douche bags, idiots, and/or ugly. The other 12% that I would even consider are taken).
So instead, I do my best to avoid feeling anything for boys. And I've been rather successful for 2 years.
But as a consequence, I for the most part, lack the ability to really even feel anything. And when I do (begin to feel), it is always for the wrong person (usually douche bags who think that I'm an easy slut). But hey- I'll live.

In conclusion, these are the scenarios that I have come up with that would probably end up happening to me:
1)I'll become the Crazy Cat Lady, because I will have never married, and ended up in a house full of kitties, and smell of cat piss. (yay).
2)I will marry the first idiot who tells me I'm pretty, but does not love me. My marriage will be shit. And I'll be miserable.
3)I'll marry the first idiot who tells me I'm pretty, who doesn't love me. Have a super shitty marriage, kill him, end up on Snapped.

Just wonderful. Right?

Happy Valentine's Day!

Friday, January 8, 2010

The Perks of Being a Wallflower:

Perks of being a wallflower Pictures, Images and Photos

So the third week of December, I read The Perks of Being a Wallflower written by Stephen Chbosky. It was recommended to me by some girl that works at Barnes & Nobel, because she said it was like The Catcher in the Rye (my favorite book ever).
Well it was not even CLOSE to The Catcher in the Rye. At all.

After finishing the book, my thoughts were: "Whatthefuck happened?" and "The word "infinite" was completely over used."

So apparently, Charlie the main character (a socialy awkard freshmen) was molested by his favorite aunt, when he was little. The only reason he found out about his misfortune was because, when he was about to get laid by the girl of his dreams, he backed out cause he felt "uncomfortable." And then had a dream about his aunt later...

Charlie said the phrase, "I feel infinite." After that phrase was reworded to "and we were infinite," "and at that moment we felt infinite," "I was infinite..."
And if that phrase would have only been used ONCE, the book wouldn't have been as terrible.

The fact that this book was written in like the late 90s made the book worse that much more terrible. Because that was the time when everything that was written about in the book, was "in." (Stupid).

A LOT of people also said they could relate to Charlie. Could they really? No.
I doubt that all of those people had their favorite family member die, be molested by that family member, have your best friend commit suicide, do drugs, have a homosexual friend who kisses them (but is not homosexual themselves), be insanely smart, and then almost have sex with the love of thier life but then not.

Bottom line. The book was annoying. It tried too hard to be a "young adult novel," and to be a modern version of The Catcher in the Rye. And failed miserably.