I haven't posted in forever. Ironically enough, I log onto this blog just about everyday. I just choose not to post anything.
It's been six months.
Well here's a recap:
I started my senior year of high school.
I was in my school's play for A Midsummer Night's Dream. (I was Robin Starveling).
I saw Say Anything for the third time in October.
My cat of 11 years died in December. (Dad ran him over by accident).
I completed my first season of Cross Country
I got accepted into Western Illinois University and Chico State.
I applied to Northwestern Missouri, Minnesota State something or other, San Jose State, Santa Clara University, Loyola Marymount University and UC San Diego. I am really considering Santa Clara and Loyola as my only options.
I got a Macbook Pro for Christmas
I also got some roller skates for Christmas too!
I got a kitten in November! Her name is Feebs.
I got a C- in AP Calculus for first semester. (Which is good considering that I thought I was going to get an F for sure).
I haven't been drunk since November.
I got a C for semester in my AP English class. Which is BULLSHIT.
I was a "hot" nurse for Halloween.
Track started on Monday and I am so stoked.
I auditioned for my school's musical yesterday.
I just got back from my best friend's little brother's birthday party.
Niente speciale.
I really am having a good time. I think, no matter how boring or how lame I think my life is, I will always know that I am wrong. My life is anything but boring or lame. If anything,
I'm boring and lame. I really want to emphasize how great my family is, how wonderful my friends are and how happy I am. Sure, I hate myself most of the time, but it's not enough to make me miserable.
Really though, I want to say something:
I heard this interview with Jesse Lacey the other night and he said something that I found true and important. He said something something along the lines of "There are already so many horrible things that happen in the world that are beyond our control, so why don't people prevent horrible things from happening that they do have control over?"
So instead of making someone miserable. Leave them alone. Life has its way of devastating everyone at one point or another. So if it's making someone unhappy you want to do, leave it be. Life will take care of that for you.