(June 26 2010. Shoreline Amp., Mountain View, CA)
I've sort have become an ol' faithful to, what in my opinion is one of the "events of the summer," Vans Warped Tour. Sounds cheesey, I know.
I guess it's a teenage thing. I started going when I was 14 years old, and every year I have a blast.
The atmosphere is always exhilerating. A comibination of the sultry sun beating down on you, the aroma of sweaty people and guys who forgot to wear deodorant, musicians playing their hearts out, people smoking weed right next to you, and watching people resurface from a hardcore mosh with blood dripping from their mouths, is really fucking nice.
I thrive off of the crowd, each and every year. I really get into the shows. Quite literally might I add.
I am 5feet tall, so I am pretty short, and in those crowds, I might as well be surrounded by angry sweaty giants. But it's okay. Sure, when the show gets really intense and hot, I might not be able to breathe, but its all worth it. Because the ambiance is like no other.
It's enough to make me headbang and elbow people, and bust a move or someone's leg.
I'm pretty sure that if anyone saw me, they would laugh for hours because I look ridiculous. Not only because I look like I don't belong in that crowd, or because of my size, or even because I look like a raging maniac, but because I look like I am genuinely having a good time and relaxed at the same time... or maybe all of those things I just wrote. I'm not sure. Take your pick.
I must say though, the line ups are becoming worse and worse. But, that's what makes the shows so much better.
It gives you the opportunity to do whatever you want; to make it vivacious, by you yourself becoming audacious enough to get rowdy, and make the most of the show.
I like not knowing what band I'm watching, or the songs they're playing. It make my experience that much more virginal? I'm not sure of that either. But in my opinion, it's best to go alone. It's just one of those things that, even though you've done it before, it feels so new and different and better on your own.
And remember:
Wear waterproof makeup!
Bring a hairbrush!
Deordorant!! (especially if you're a boy!)
Hand Sanitizer!!
and you'll sure be in for a good and well prepared time.