(As you can probably tell, I am incredibily blown in that picture. We all are actually. *Correction: I'm actually extremely cross-faded).
In the beginning of the month, May 6/7th to be exact, I had my AP English Lit and US History exams. So as you can imagine, I was STRESSED OUT!
Well in my english lit class, I am really great friends with four lovely ladies. Well the five of us had planned for that following Saturday to be BOMB, and that we were going to get trashed to celebrate our newfound freedom.
Long story short- that night was awesome. Because I was cross-faded beyond belief and I was around people I love a great amount.
That was my first taste of summer. And I liked it.
Tomorrow is my last day of high school as a junior. And I am excited as fuck.
After tomorrow I can do whatever the hell I want. And what better way to initate summer than by going to Hawaii with all of your friends?