Sunday, March 28, 2010

Spring Br-What?

(I felt the picture was appropriate due to the fact that is a butterfly gummy in my hand and it is spring.)
The time has come.
My favorite season of the year- Spring.
The time of perfect weather (not too hot, not too cold) has finally arrived.
And boy, am I glad. Well. Almost.

For most people, spring this year is just another season. Not anything new. Not anything planned.
It's a little more different and complex for me, and other people of course.

First off: School.
Spring this year is bringing all sorts of new and impossible obstacles to the table.
My spring break is practically tarnished because of homework and stupid projects. (The culprits: AP English, AP History.)
I have to take advantage of all of my spare time and fill it up with studying because...
First week of May, I take my AP tests. AKA: the most nerve wrecking and basically life-defining week of my life.
And I have to take my second SAT. And of course that will not be anything fun nor exciting.

(Those are just the things academically related too...)

There is also Prom I have to semi-worry about.
I say semi, because my "perfect prom" is out of the question now. (I was hoping to have the perfect date this year since last year went terribly wrong, but then again, I never get what I want.)
PIECE OF ADVICE: Never feel sorry for ANYONE! Always be honest and straight up!
Any who.
(I got my prom shoes!)
I have get a dress still, and I am not looking forward to that since, well, I feel I am morbidly obese.
So I am pressuring myself to lose weight. A LOT of weight.
All sounds fun right?

The only thing I am looking forward to this spring is:
And cleaning my room.

I am jealous of the fact that many, many other people will be enjoying their spring break in having fun. Unlike me.
Hope everyone enjoys the season!!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Patron Saint of Booze and Parties

Way, way back in the day, St. Patrick's day was a day simply celebrated by Catholics. Well... Not so much anymore.

Good ol' St. Patrick was initially from Roman Britain in the fifth century and was pretty wealthy. But unfortunately the poor guy was kidnapped by Irish raiders and taken captive to Ireland as a slave. According to him, he was told by God in a dream to flee from captivity to the coast, where he would board a ship and return to Britain. Upon returning, he quickly joined the Church in Auxerre in Gaul and studied to be a priest.

Patrick was called back to Ireland again some time later. He had quite the imagination. He explained the Holy Trinity by using the shamrock to inform the Irish people about The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit.

St. Patrick actually wore BLUE. But the color green was inspired by the shamrocks growing about.

And some how Lent triggered for there to be alcohol be involved... and the rest is history.

Nowadays groups of people cannot wait for St. Patty's Day to come along. Because after all what other holiday is one supposed to intentionally get wasted, and hook up with slutty girls or be the slutty girl? None. Besides, you get green beer!!
Really cool, right? (Yes, I am being sarcastic.)

Seriously, the holiday is completely pointless. Drinking and slutting it up, although I know sounds appealing to 99% of the population, but that's what makes it so sad and pathetic.
I am not all too sure if people are that desperate, or have a lot of weird voids to fill, but for them to WANT to get wasted and be a nasty, is really sad to see.
But that's just me.

I didn't wear green today. I refuse to conform to a social holiday that I do not even celebrate or believe in.

Guess I quit Thanksgiving too.... and the Fourth of July....