Wednesday, December 30, 2009

New Year. New Again?

The new year is always an inspirational time. Because the year changing yet again, gives us a sense of hope that we can change as well.
We make these New Year's Resolutions, but how often do we pull through?
December 31st is just like a Sunday. Because generally speaking, people striving for a change (which is usually weight related) say "I'll start my diet on Monday."
So you see, Sunday and December 31st have that in common.

Most people tell themselves that they are going to lose those 10 pounds in the new year, or finally start making payments on time, or watering their plants everyday- thngs like that. No one ever really accomplishes what they had in mind. At the most, they'll keep their goal in mind for a week at the most. We suffer from extreme lack of commitment. (And no I am not bashing on anyone).

I think in order to achieve the goals we have in mind, we need to attempt them at a gradual pace. You know- baby steps. Not all at once. Because I think that the only reason we have goals in the first place is because we possess bad habits that keep us away from what we want. And I don't know many people who can change the habits they've had for ages overnight. Which is why our New Year's Resolutions hardly ever work out.

So in the mean time, you could either head out and go to your nearest donut shop, or to the nearest gym. (Well that is if you are at all concerned or not concerned with your figure).

I wish you all luck with whatever your New Year's Resolution may be. And I sincerely hope that you achieve it. I really do.
I also hope you all have a fabulous New Year's (Eve), and do not have to spend the last nor beginning seconds of the year passed out in the bushes or puking in a toilet from all of the alcohol you consumed. (Yes, that was me adding a touch of humor, trying to be funny).

And last but not least, I hope 2010 will be a better year for you, as I hope it is for me.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

News Flash

Isn't it ironic, how some websites are designed and created purely for the users, so that they can basically expose themselves, but how not a single person gives a damn?
Really. Think about it.
Myspace, FaceBook, Twitter, Stickam, Blog site, and all other sites,
revolve around the life of the user. The sites allow the user to post bulletins, tweets, blogs, and God knows what else, that specify and give others a chance to see what is going on in the persons life, or what's on the person's mind.
But if the users of those websites, would stop and think about how they alone are exposing themselves, and think about how many people are "listening" or how many people even care, they would stop all together.
Because all in blunt honesty:
Nobody fucking cares what YOU have to think.
And THIS. This blog. Nobody fucking cares.
And I am quite aware of that.

It is just REALLY annoying, and sad when people write things they think that other people will care about. When the reality of it all, is the exact opposite.


Monday, December 7, 2009

Let it snow, let it snow


If you've ever heard of the Central Valley, then you know that it is basically Farmer Country.
The northern portion is better known as the Sacramento Valley, and its southern half as the San Joaquin Valley. Sacramento valley receives about 20 inches of rain annually, but the San Joaquin on the other hand, is very dry, often semi-arid desert in many places.
I am from the more unfortunate half of the Central Valley.
So today, December 7, 2009, there was a huge fuss- because it snowed.
I suppose that it is in fact, somewhat of a big deal. It hasn't snowed (legitimately) here, or in the valley in general, in about 40 or so years.
This morning at 4:37 AM, my dad woke me up so that I could see it snow.
It was more of a disappointment. Because the snow would evaporate into nothing as soon as it touched the ground.
Everyone else was excited though.
Good for them.
My disappointment, is their joyous light.

Seriously? It was just snow.

Friday, December 4, 2009

And so the legend continues?


(I took that picture ^)

Ever since we were all young, we were all told about good ol' Saint Nick.
That he was the fat man with a Marry Poppins like bag that could fit billions of toys for the many good boys and girls of the world. And that he'd deliver each of those toys in one night. The 24th of December to be exact.
I don't see why that has to be so. The whole lying to your children about this mythical fat man.
Why don't the parents just give them toys. No lies included. There wouldn't really be a difference. Kids don't care who gives them presents, as long as they get something.

Now, good ol' "Santa Claus" came to be because the man was a wonderworker. He was the generous guy who sent secret gifts to people. "Santa Claus" is merely the pronounciation of Sinterklaas, which is Dutch. Saint Nick is one of the many Christian Saints. He was always helping the poor. After he died, people in the region continued to give to the poor anonymously, and such gifts were still often attributed to St. Nicholas.

Props to Nicholas for being a good man. Now, here arises the question, once more:
Why do parents go on lying about this man?
I think what parents should do instead, is not say anything at all. Just keep quiet. Then on Christmas day exchange gifts, and not discuss about who gave who what. No lies. Just pure imagination.

I'm sure if parents heard their seven year olds talk in class about Santa Claus, and how they saw him, and how they talked to him, and how "this," and how "that," parents would stop the Santa Claus thing instantly.
Because no parent really wants to hear their child sound like a complete idiot.

Good man. Don't you think?